Finke Desert Race Cars

Supplementary Regulations

Further Regulations

Event Schedule

Motorsport Australia Manual

Ensure you read the entire downloadable documents.

Off Road Special Endorsement
To participate in the Motorsport Australia Off Road Championship’s (AORC) Finke Desert Race, an applicant must complete an application for a Motorsport Australia Off Road Special endorsement. The completed application must be submitted to Motorsport Australia Member Services on the approved form.

Once a competitor has expressed their intent to compete at Finke, through either submitting an event entry or registering for the Championship, their eligibility status will be cross-checked with Motorsport Australia. If eligible, a competitor will be issued an ‘Off Road Special’ endorsement which is valid for that year only.

A ‘Letter of Competition Participation’ will also be accepted and can be obtained through the administration by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Motorsport Australia reserves the right to exercise their discretion when issuing an ‘Off Road Special’ endorsement to competitors who have demonstrated their competence in an event such as the Finke Desert Race.

All car competitors must complete the following forms and email to the Finke Office, the Motorsport Australia Off Road Special Endorsement Form can be directly emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Motorsport Australia Forms

Self Scrutiny Checklist

Self Statement Vehicle Compliance

Off Road Special Endorsement

Finke Sponsors