Finke Desert Race Cars

Competitors (all Drivers and Naviagtors) hoping to enter the Tatts Finke Desert Race must have done at least ONE of the following criteria:

  • Completed a minimum of two AORC rounds within the last 24 months. OR
  • Have scored AORC outright points in a round of the previous season OR
  • Must meet 100 points from items in points checklist.

a. 50 points, per Finke event competed at in the last five years.
b. 25 points, per AORC event competed at in the last five years.
c. 10 points, holding a current off road licence for more than three years; or
d. 5 points, holding a current off road licence for less than three years.

  • Notwithstanding the Recommendation, participation may be permitted on a case-by-case basis where the individuals satisfy MA that the following requirement(s) have been met:

o Observed at two local Motorsport Australia Off Road Event having demonstrated a high level of vehicle control and course awareness in the past three years.

Eligible competitors will be issued a special valid licence.

A ‘Letter of Competition Participation’ will also be accepted and can be obtained through the administration by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Motorsport Australia reserves the right to exercise their discretion in offering an ‘Off Road Special’ licence to suitable competitors.

Finke Sponsors