Finke Desert Race

Finke Ambassador Partners
Enquire today to feature your business or product as a 'Finke Ambassador Partner'. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call our office on 08 8952 8886

How to become a Finke Ambassador
Each year the committee selects girls from across the country to represent the event by being the Official Event Ambassadors. This role is unlike many other “Grid Girl” positions as those selected play a pivotal and important role behind the scenes. Intending applicants should be ready to fully immerse themselves in this event and be prepared to learn a lot about Australia’s ULTIMATE Desert Race.

Applications to become a Finke Ambassador for 2024 are now closed!

If you;

  • Have an unwavering passion for our great event and motorsports;
  • Aren't afraid to roll up your sleeves and get stuck into all the work that goes on behind the scenes;
  • Are someone who thrives in high-paced, action-packed environments;
  • Want to be a part of promoting the Tatts Finke Desert Race in one of the best ways possible, alongside the Finke Family & a team of like-minded women.

Applications for 2025 will open in late 2024.


Finke Sponsors