Finke Desert Race

Public View Points
Head trackside for a great view of the race in our dedicated public viewing areas.

Located close to town at the 3km,4km and 7km marks on the Maryvale Road.

Look out for the Public View Point signage on the roadside.

Unsafe areas

NO Camping is allowed at the Finke Desert Race Start/Finish line. Saturday is commonly when most campers will head down the track to set up camp for the weekend.

Camping is allowed along the track at your own risk however all camps, caravans and vehicles must be at least 30 metres back from the track. The majority of campsites are on Station Land.

Station Landholders are strong supporters of this race and respectfully ask campers to leave their areas with minimal impact and all rubbish taken home with them. 

A lot of people camp between Alice and Deep Well (First Check Point), 63km down the track. If you are planning to camp further down the track – you must be aware that the road between Deep Well and Finke will be closed from 6am to 6pm both Race Days (Sunday and Monday). The majority of the track has no Mobile Coverage.

Avoid driving up and down the dirt access road (next to the racetrack) during racing as the dust and traffic can be very distracting and dangerous for our competitors

If you are camping either side of the Old Ghan railway line between Start/Finish Line and Ewangina siding, you are camping on private property and may incur charges. Please contact the Road Transport Hall of Fame on (08) 8952 7161 for more information.    

General Safety Rules
You will need to be extremely aware of safety both for yourselves and our competitors.

If you are camping with young children, please watch them at all times and stand at least 30m back from the track.

Don’t wander on the track, it may look clear but you can’t be sure of what is coming at you at race speeds.

Standing on the outside of corners can be dangerous, so avoid this at all times – car and bikes are travelling at very high speeds in dusty conditions!

Our competitors are focused on their race and are not looking for you, your kids or your dog – leave your dog at home! It is their track from 6am – 6pm, give them the respect they deserve!

Remember to bring your own firewood. Take extreme care with all fires - these need to be monitored carefully, and fully extinguished when finished with.

Please take your rubbish home with you. Keep the impact low on Station land by sticking to the designated tracks.

Nobody wants to stop you from having a fun-filled weekend but be aware of your surroundings. Please be considerate to other campers and keep noise to a minimum.

What not to bring - the list includes dogs (and other pets), unregistered cars and bikes, and fireworks.

If, during your time camping as a spectator you require any medical assistance St John Ambulance are situated at each of the checkpoints along the track from Saturday afternoon until the last bike has passed through on Monday afternoon.

General Safety 1          General Safety 2

Finke Sponsors